We're "that" group. We love our little ones, but we don't "love every minute of it." We're not afraid to admit this "Mom" thing isn't all it's cracked up to be, and that sometimes, quite frankly, it blows. These are our trials, tribulations, and triumphs.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

the kindness (and rudeness) of strangers

1. the state or quality of being kind
2. a kind act; favor
3. kind behavior
4. friendly feeling

1. a manner that is rude and insulting
2. a wild or unrefined state

“Braveness” comes in many colors, shapes, size, and flavors. For someone else being brave might be bungee jumping off a cliff while for me being brave means sucking it up and leaving the house. Every time I venture outside for one thing or the other I have a different experience (usually bad and full of panic and anxiety). Today I put on a brave face and ventured to the supermarket to spend some of the last dollars we have. Due to hurricane Ike and my husband not working for 2 weeks we pulled almost all our funds out of the account so once the bills go through we won’t be totally penniless. So I sucked it up and got to Kroger without a hitch. I grit my teeth and fought my way through the post hurricane crowds and found my way to the checkout lines. While standing there totally minding my own business I get hit from the side by a cart. I look up and this little old lady is standing there staring me down and this was our conversation.

HER: “Excuse me young lady” *in a snotty voice*
ME: *dirty look*
HER: “Excuse me I need by”
*I scoot back so she can pass and she gives me the evil eye*
HER: “I had said excuse me”
ME: “Yah, AFTER you hit me with your cart!”
HER: “OH!? Did I hit you?! Sorry.”
“I DO speak English you know, and i’m not a wetback either”
ME: *dirty look and steps back in line*

WTH?! I could tell she spoke English well and was indeed a little white woman so what was the point in saying that? Also, why the hell was she talking down to ME when I was the one who got hit? If I was any less respectful and knew I wouldn’t feel guilty for hitting an elderly lady I would have knocked her ass out but I have better breeding than that. Now I know I look young, and by some standards I AM considered young but I was taught that you have to give respect in order to get it and she DEFINITELY didn’t give me respect.

Once I went further in line my *very* bad day turned very, very good! My cashier was one of my absolute favorites…i've known her for years. I started talking to her about the money issues and panic attacks and stuff and the lady behind me hands me a card. It’s a business card for a local parenting and resource center. They offer free baby food and other items on a point system if you take parenting classes or whatever. OMG I was so surprised that someone behind me in the supermarket of all places offered to help. Then I go on talking about how I can’t get a hold of my psychiatrist because UTMB is still in disaster recovery mode and is shut down. The same lady behind me told me that she had a close friend who works at UTMB and could have her get in touch with my psych so they can call me! I rarely get kindness from people so it was sooo nice for a change. If only that little old lady from earlier had a little more kindness in her.

Maybe I aught to be brave more often…maybe good things would come of it (then again I could run into more terrible little old ladies)

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