We're "that" group. We love our little ones, but we don't "love every minute of it." We're not afraid to admit this "Mom" thing isn't all it's cracked up to be, and that sometimes, quite frankly, it blows. These are our trials, tribulations, and triumphs.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

funny cartoons to brighten your day

found some funny cartoons of things parents say :)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Top Ten Benefits of Having a Baby (yeah, yeah... besides the obvious)

10. No period for many, many months
9. People are automatically friendlier to you (although often times this isn't a "perk")
8. Big tax right-off
7. Carpool Lane
6. Now there’s a legitimate reason why you “haven’t lost that belly weight”
5. You get to board airplanes early
4. Can eat “alone” in public without feeling pathetic
3. No more awkward elevator silences
2. You finally have a great reason for being late
1. Fish sticks and grilled cheese sandwiches are back on the menu, baby!

And this has nothing to do with anything, but I just love it. I saw it on a onesie: